Capture in Action

A sample created using Capture, dominKnow | ONE’s feature for software lessons.

This sample eLearning course shows one Capture lesson deployed five different ways as a Show Me, a Try Me, Guide Me, Practice Test, and a scored Test question.

The layout shows five buttons that correspond to each file mode. The learner can then go through each option. Once an option is clicked, the box changes color and has a checkmark icon. Information about each option is displayed below with a text explanation and a visual aid that plays when clicked. Each option showcases the usability depending on the information to be conveyed.

Show Me is where learners can watch the steps as an animation. It’s also an excellent way for learners to see steps performed in a relatable situation. Such an execution could be used in many ways, such as showing various types of instructions.  

Try Me, is an option where learners can follow the steps easily as they do the task in the actual tool. Try Me offers the learner a chance to get involved. It also provides steps on the left-hand side of the screen to keep the learner on track as they go.  

Guide Me separates each step so a learner can walk through the lesson without distraction of an animated demonstration or a guided practice. Guide me is perfect for Job Aids and has a download option for those who wish to keep instructions on hand or follow along with printed material.

Practice test is rather versatile as it can be used as part of the learning process as well as a scored test question. In this sample, the learner can see Test Me mode as a learning activity, set to have three tries for each step with supporting hints offered for incorrect choices. Since this is part of the learning process, using the Test Me mode this way does not include the activity results as part of the test score being sent to the LMS.

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Launch example

This sample is available as a template in dominKnow | ONE.
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As an instructional designer, you can use this mode as an element of its own on a page (as we’ve done here) or as part of a Practice question, where you can set re-try attempts and even close off the navigation until the learner is successful or out of attempts.

Launch Test is the final mode that can be used as a scored test question. Here we’re using the Test Me mode as a scored test Question, so the learner’s results will be part of the test score sent to the LMS.

And since this is a scored test, we’ve set the question to have only one attempt per step, with no hints.

You can include multiple Capture test questions in any test, and they can be mixed and matched with any other question types.

With Capture, you can easily record the steps to carry out a software task, edit the captured steps, and publish the lesson once to dominKnow | ONE. A simple one-click action by the author tells the lesson how to behave.

Lessons can be easily re-used and set to behave differently depending on context and learning need. You can introduce the task with a Show Me, give the learner practice later with a Try Me then assess their knowledge with a scored Test. And once they're on the job you can provide performance support with the Guide Me.

Capture creates HTML5-based lessons that are responsive to help adapt to the best display option based on the learner’s screen width. Regardless of the type of content you create, an eLearning course, a job aid, or an assessment quiz, Capture is a great tool to help explain information visually.  

Download the template for yourself in dominknow Marketplace.