Pharmaceutical Sales

This sample was created in our Claro authoring option by our partners at Ingenuiti.

This free form navigation with audio sample was created and translated into Chinese in our Claro authoring option by our partner, Ingenuiti.

Since both our Claro and Flow content options publish as HTML-5 based content, the course can easily be taken by pharmaceutical sales reps in an office on their lap top computers or on their mobile devices as they travel in the field.

The course opens with a custom menu screen that allows the learner to choose which of the three topics they wish to start on by selecting the representative building on the pharmaceutical company’s campus.

The course covers three topic areas:

• Section 1 – Giving Formative Feedback

• Section 2 – Data Confidentiality

• Section 3 – Building Great Conversations

In Claro, the Ingenuity team added hotspots over each building in the menu page image then set up each spot to trigger a page link action, jumping the learner to the start page of the selected section.

As the learner completes a section they are returned to the campus homepage, which is updated to show the sections that have been completed.

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Each section’s topic is covered using real-world examples often set up as conversation-based scenarios to ensure that the content is well-aligned with the real-world work of a pharmaceutical sales rep.

The course also uses dominKnow | ONE’s question page options to present learners with choices to help them be part of the scenarios and receive feedback on the choices they have made.

In addition to providing elearning development services, Ingenuiti is also a provider of translation services, and their team used this example to also show off that specialization.

The course is available in both an English and a Chinese version.

Working with multiple languages is quite simple in dominKnow | ONE, which has two translation workflows to help with either direct translation of a project or with localization and then translation of a project.

For a direct translation such as this course – where the content is identical for the first- and second-language audiences and doesn’t need any content changes – the Ingenuiti team used dominKnow | ONE’s streammlined export / import process for translation workflow.

This workflow allows the author to manage a single course, exporting base language for translation into as many languages as desired, then importing all translated languages within one file to be made available through a single course.

Ingenuiti’s translation experts worked in the exported Excel or XML file to provide translated Chinese text alongside the base language of English.

Once the translation team completed its work, the authoring team simply imported the translation Excel or XML file back into dominKnow | ONE.

This import contains all translated language and is configurable to automatically respond to the browser language of the learner, OR be manually chosen by the learner a their preference.

dominKnow | ONE supports translation into more than 60 languages – and all text on learner-focused interface elements in a course, like the navigation bars and end screens is already translated for supported languages, so clients never have to translate them.

After the Chinese text was imported, the Ingenuiti team returned to authoring and swapped the English audio files for the Chinese audio. This keeps any events timed to the audio files in place – no need to spend time doing set up work all over again.