Cyber Security

Made using Flow, this responsive Cyber Security course is perfect for communicating potential dangers online.

Cyber Security training is imperative for every company to communicate the potential dangers that lurk online. Our partners, HexaLearn have created a straightforward online eLearning course for instructional designers. This course is a perfect premade template that can be used to increase cyber security awareness. Made in Flow, this course includes eleven slides that outline all types of cyber-attacks.

The course agenda includes:

1.1 Welcome
1.2 Lesson Objectives
1.3 Introduction
1.4 Types of Cyber Security
1.5 Cyber Security Attacks
1.6 Cyber Security Best Practices
1.7 Knowledge Check
1.8 Benefits of Cyber Security
1.9 A Cyber Security Risk Scenario
1.10 Scenarios
1.11 Summary

The Lesson Objectives includes an overview of what the user should be able to do by the end of the course that includes:

  • Describe the meaning of cyber security
  • Recognize the common cyber security attacks
  • List the cyber security best practices

In the Introduction, the user is invited to play a minute long video to learn more about cyber security. Additional text supports the video by providing definitions of the terms "cyber" and "security". Instructional designers can alter the video and text combination.  

After the introduction, the user is instructed to click on seven different boxes that describe common cyber security types. Each box has an animated image and topic heading. Once a box is clicked, it acts like a card and flips to reveal information about the topic. Multiple cards can be flipped at one time without disrupting the animation. There is no mandatory order to flip the cards, however, that is an option that the instructional designer may add if they so wish as well as a timer to indicate the user only has a set amount of time to complete a task.

The next slide showcases seven types of cyber security attacks such as: Malware, Denial of Service (Dos), Phishing, Man-in-the-Middle (MITM), Cross-site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injections, and Password. Just like the previous slide, the user is asked to click on the titles of the types of cyber security attacks to reveal information about each topic. A text box with an animated graphic reveals information that does not require to be clicked within a certain order, or in a timely manner.  

The Knowledge Check slide features a drag and drop option where the user can drag a statement into a Do or Don't option. If the user drags the answer into an incorrect box, the statement shakes and restarts. At the end of the sorting, the user is provided a percentage of correct answers and is invited to try again.

The eLearning course closes out with a short scenario based on utilizing all of the best practices mentioned beforehand. The premise is to choose smart options and outwit a criminal hacker. If the answers are correct, the user is rewarded with stars. However, if the answers are incorrect, the would-be hacker is awarded the stars. All of the text and images can be edited to suit brand language and graphics.

It’s recommended as a best practice, that any employee who uses a computer should take a cyber security training course. This game template provides a gamification type of experience can be used for any type of business.

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